Want to Widen our World?


To listen, to hear the other’s story, to let that story enter into us, to take possession of us, will widen our world, will change us. After listening and receiving the other with our eyes, with our ears... entering into their reality... we will never be the same again. Are we willing to risk that? Pope Francis tells us: 

“The encounter with the other is also an encounter with Christ. He himself told us: it is he who knocks on our door, hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned, seeking an encounter with us and requesting our assistance. And if we still had any doubt, here are his unequivocal words: ‘I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Mt 25:40)

Listen to the story of one refugee.      
Listen to the story of one migrant worker.
Listen to the story of one unwed mother.
Listen to the story of one black mother.

And who else do we need to listen to this day?

Reflection by Sr. Rosemary Fry, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto


United Nations International Day of the World's Indigenous people

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Resilience in the face of challenges - that is what the theme of this year’s United Nations recognition of Indigenous People recognizes. Resilience in the face of Covid-19.

Sisters of St. Joseph strive to promote wholeness and reconciliation among all peoples. We celebrate this resilience along with the UN, as they highlight how the preservation and promotion of indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge and practices can be leveraged more fully during this pandemic. For information about the UN virtual event: https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/international-day-of-the-worlds-indigenous-peoples/2020-2.html

Read how Indigenous communities are dealing with the Covid virus:



A HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH to human trafficking

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After consulting with partner organizations from across Ontario, we urge the Provincial Government to implement a human rights approach and to include 5 points in the human trafficking strategy.

Provincial Human Trafficking Strategy Creates Unjust Competition for Resources and Divides Survivors as Deserving and Undeserving.  

LONDON, ONTARIO/FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/ July 27, 2020: Recently, the Government of Ontario announced a five-year strategy to address human trafficking and promised investments up to $307 million to raise awareness, protect victims, intervene early, support survivors, and hold offenders accountable.[1]

While the government’s efforts are commendable, particularly its commitment to funding peer and survivor led work, the strategy and the call for applications focuses exclusively on child and youth sexual exploitation. "Human trafficking is fundamentally a human rights issue.  Experience tells us that people become vulnerable to being trafficked when they're experiencing isolation, social exclusion, homelessness, poverty, gender inequality, racism and colonialism. This is the most effective level at which to address exploitation and human trafficking in all its forms. It requires us to change as a society; to create good job opportunities and strong social protections for all, regardless of immigration status" says Sue Wilson, the Director of the Office for Systemic Justice.   

The Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, after consulting with partner organizations from across Ontario, released a statement urging the Provincial Government to implement a human rights approach and to include the following points in the human trafficking strategy:

Address the root causes of human trafficking by creating easy access to sufficient levels of social assistance, comprehensive health care including mental health services, gender parity in wages, and good jobs which pay a living wage.  All persons need easy access to social protections, regardless of immigration status.

  Prioritize funding for educational programs (led by grassroots community organizations) which are focused on preventing human trafficking by advancing equity and addressing root causes such as gender inequality, systemic racism, colonialism, ableism, rape culture and more.

   Raise awareness of current forms of labour trafficking in Ontario, highlighting aspects of structural racism and economic exploitation.

    Increase labour inspections for the protection of all workers in Ontario, especially migrant workers.

License and regulate contractors and recruiters of migrant workers.


For more information, contact:

Sue Wilson, CSJ

Office for Systemic Justice

Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada


[1] https://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2020/03/ontarios-new-anti-human-trafficking-strategy.html

Supporting our Sisters in Latin America


Support of Statement by Family of St. Joseph of Latin America

Dear President Jeanine Áñez Chávez and Leaders of all Faiths,

We, the Leaders of the Congregations and Federations of the Sisters of St. Joseph, representing over 7000 sisters throughout the globe, offer our support and full agreement with the attached Statement issued on June 30, 2020 by the Network and Family of Sisters of St. Joseph in Latin America and the Caribbean regarding drug trafficking in Bolivia. We, too, denounce the illicit activity of drug trafficking throughout Bolivia and especially in the Bella Vista del Iténez Beni region.

We implore you to be courageous and stop the violence and trafficking once and for all, thereby safeguarding the future of the youth and for Bolivia and nearby countries.

We pray that you will stand up and do what is right.


The Global Leaders of the Sisters of St. Joseph

Catherine Barange, France

Breda Gainey, France

Gemma Gastaldi, Italy

Sally M. Hodgdon, USA

Maryellen Kane, USA

Loretta Manzara, Canada

Mary Elizabeth Nelsen, USA

Elsa Maria Nóbile, Argentine

Marlene Roy, Canada

Petra Urietti, Italy

Monique Vallon, France