Living History Centre of Le Puy Goes Online

For several years the Board of the International Centre has wanted to bring the Living History Centre to as many people as possible, especially those who may never be able to visit Le Puy in person. With the new website, the Living History Centre is now posted in PowerPoint at the following address:

The Centre tells the story of the Sisters of St Joseph within the context of French and Church history since 1550.

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Pentecost Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle

In a previous post, we introduced our readers to Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle. The members of this group emphasize the work of reconciliation between the Indigenous people and the Catholic Church. They try to combat racism in all forms especially that towards the Indigenous of Canada.   

We Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada form a Federation to empower one another in the passionate living of our charism of active and inclusive love. Urged by God’s spirit we respond to the evolving reality of our world, bringing healing and hope to all creation. This Pentecost statement from Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle is one of the ways we listen to the Spirit in our evolving reality.  

A quote from the message:

“Moved by this Spirit and prompted by his Holiness Pope Francis we are sent to go boldly into our families and communities, into our educational, health, and social institutions, and even into the world of politics to bring the power of unity and love that are the true fruits of the presence of the Spirit of God. We are called to do the difficult work of justice and reconciliation, “to build a better kind of politics, one aimed at the service of the Common Good”. [i] The Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle sees in the United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples a framework to guide our work toward this goal. In language that is embraced by the international community this declaration helps us to concretize the goal set before us by Pope Francis when he stated, “it is essential to show special care for indigenous communities and their cultural traditions. They are not merely one minority among others, but should be the principal dialogue partners, especially when large projects affecting their lands are proposed.”[ii] With the boldness that is asked of us, we members of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle pledge to do what we can to help our Catholic community to increase awareness of the significance.”

For the full text click: Pentecost Message.

[i] Pope Francis, Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship, October 3, 2020 (#154)

[ii] Pope Francis. Encyclical Letter Laudato si: On Care for Our Common Home, May 24, 2015 (#146)


Our last News post announced that the Sisters of St. Joseph had signed on to Faith in the Declaration, an ecumenical coalition in support of Bill C-15.

Today, we share a statement by Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle, a Catholic Coalition of Indigenous people, bishops, lay movements, clergy and institutes of consecrated life., who are engaged in renewing and fostering relationships between the Catholic Church and Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

The statement pledges “to do what we can to help our Catholic community to increase awareness of the significance of UNDRIP as a framework for reconciliation and just relations in Canada.

To read the statement click on the link above.


Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph support Bill C-15

The Sisters of St. Joseph have signed on to Faith in the Declaration, an ecumenical coalition in support of Bill C-15.

See the article in the Catholic Register .   The purpose of Bill C-15 is to begin the process of aligning Canadian law with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).  

The Federation Office for Systemic Justice has been active in urging parliament to pass Bill C-15.

Our participation is in keeping with the values of our Federation Mission Statement.

United by a common story and charism we, Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada, form a Federation to empower one another in the passionate living of our charism of active and inclusive love. 

Urged by God’s spirit, we collaborate with Sisters of St. Joseph globally and respond to the evolving reality of our world, bringing healing and hope to all creation. 


Photo from Canadian Lawyer magazine