The Federation Ecology Committee would like to introduce you to its new section of the Federation Newsletter. It is dedicated to reflecting upon the critical issues of our day through a green perspective or an ecological lens. Attentiveness to our charism’s call for the formation of the holistic communion of all beings is heightened by our growing grasp of new scientific understandings and insights. The CSJ spirituality strongly aligns with the fostering of sustainable development and right relations with the earth.
For many in today’s highly technological world, the first thought that comes to mind with the mention of windows is Microsoft’s Windows Operating System rather than the historical, transparent, openings in buildings. Either of these two meanings of windows might aptly apply to our use of the metaphor window. Today’s society is caught up in its reliance on new technologies. Industry, economics, and habit often dull us to the negative impact our ways have on the life of the planet and its myriad of living inhabitants. Many believe that society is in need of an upgraded “attitudinal operating system”. This new way of operating would provide space for fresh thinking, a common language and workable strategies to address the vast issues of the present ecological crisis.
When we show an interest in traditional windows, we are following in the spirit of Mother St. John. It is told that she desired that large windows be installed in the renovated building that was to be the home of the reformed Sisters of St. Joseph. Her wish was vehemently opposed by the local ordinary. However, through biding her time with the local bishop she eventually got her wish. Whether it was her desire that we, as Sisters of St. Joseph, not close ourselves off from the dear neighbour or her gratitude for nature and sunlight after her experience in prison is uncertain. No doubt, she would be in sync with the aspirations of the contemporary Sister of St. Joseph. It is quite appropriate that her descendants endeavour to be more ecologically minded.
We use the image of the green window to symbolize the desire we have to invite and allow God’s Spirit to inform our minds and hearts, as we engage in meaningful ways with the most critical issue of our times. In truth the very survival of life on the planet rests on our choices and our actions. We, the 21st century CSJs, desire to behold earth anew, wonder at it, celebrate it, and take practical steps toward healing and preserving it for future generations. We, as religious, have an important role to play in the survival of our planet through our choices and our advocacy for environmental change.
Be on the lookout for future reflections in The Green Window which will appear in upcoming issues of the Federation Newsletter.