Prepared by the Ecology Committee of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton for use in Liturgical, Communal and Personal Prayer
(The words in italics are quotes from ‘Caritas in Veritate’)
For the World:
That the message of Pope Benedict XVI in his Encyclical Letter ‘Caritas in Veritate’ concerning the environment will become known to peoples throughout the world. We pray…
That all decision-makers take responsibility to become educated and aware that food and access to safe water are universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination. We pray…
For government officials throughout the world that they may use their influence and power positively to enact and monitor legislation meant to protect the environment. We pray…
That all business owners and operators recognize, accept and take responsibility to reduce any adverse impact(s) on the environment that their operations can create. We Pray…
That the preservation of water sheds be mandated for all municipal, provincial and federal land and that development planners and municipal/provincial/federal authorities be held accountable to strictly adhering to these mandates. We pray…
That ethical practices are used in mining, forestry and building operations that do not adversely impact the population, that do not create needless waste of valuable resources and do not negatively impact the environment. We pray…
For Our Country:
That our Federal, Provincial and local authorities responsibly and actively protect Canadian wetlands and the water levels of lakes and fresh water sources. We pray…
That rich cultivated land that is used to produce local foods is protected and that wise and responsible decisions are made concerning how it is used. We pray…
That when consideration is given to possibly sharing Canada’s natural resources priority is given to preserving and protecting environmental integraty... We pray…
That Government representatives and individuals take responsibility and action to preserve the natural habitats of all animals, birds and fish. We pray…..
Do Personally:
That we will participate in community activities that purposefully treat our Earth with care and respect. We pray…
That we recognize that our Earth is holy ground and with this awareness we act respectfully and responsibly to care for it. We pray…
That we recognize that the environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. We pray…
That we will recognize our grave duty to hand the Earth on to future generations in such a condition that they too can worthily inhabit it and continue to cultivate it. We pray…
That we will all recognize our responsibilities to preserve the Earth for future generations. We pray…
That we walk lightly and with care upon this Earth. We pray…
That in recognizing the goodness of creation we take immediate action to cultivate and preserve it for now and the future. We pray…
That we support those who are actively trying to repair the damage to the Earth. We pray…
That we may recognize that the way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats it self, and vice versa. We pray…
That we all may defend Earth, water and air as gifts of creation that belong to everyone. We pray…
That we become active advocates for a healthier planet. We pray…
That we set good example for our children in the way we care for the Earth. We pray…
That we rid our waters of needless debris and actively work to clean up and minimize pollution and danger. We pray…
That we use our talents to resolve problems and utilize necessary resources to restore and reserve the beauty of God’s handiwork on this Earth. We pray…
That we promote awareness and support valid efforts to save endangered creatures also created by God to share this Earth. We pray…
That we recognize the sanctity of all of creation. We pray…
That we are mindful of using only what we need and of responsibly disposing the garbage produced in our own homes and environments. We pray…
That we make a diligent effort to pass on reusable items or those that can be repurposed, minimizing needless use of a land fill. We pray…
For Others:
For all who lobby decision-makers to make decisions that will preserve our Earth, that they may persist and not lose hope. We pray…
For all farmers who are so close to the fruits of the Earth, that they will feel appreciated and recognize the awesome responsibility they have in their hands. We pray…
For each of us that we may make good decisions with respect to our use of energy. We pray…
For scientists throughout the world who are devoting themselves to developing solutions to the problem of global warming, that their efforts may be recognized and successful. We pray…
For the people and lands that have suffered from natural disasters, that there is a return to hope and that bountiful resources may help restore the people and the land to wholeness. We pray…
For an increase in people becoming actively involved in Ecology movements in their area and throughout this world. We pray…
That all people cherish, preserve and conserve the gift of clean water and support actions to provide safe water to the rest of the world. We pray…
For all non-profit agencies and organizations devoted to the care of the Earth, may they have the resources required to continue their mission. We pray…
That all persons take responsibility for their own choices and become educated about how they can effectively contribute to the preservation of the environment. We pray…
That all consumers will make lifestyle choices that favour the Earth. We pray…
That all persons take responsibility to educate themselves and become more aware of the way in which their individual actions may affect the Earth. We pray…
That all persons will walk with gratitude for receiving this gift of our beautiful world. We pray…
September 2010
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